Working with Office 365 from anywhere

Under the University agreement with Microsoft, the administrative staff is entitled to access Office 365 applications from any computer and even install them for use (as long as it works) on up to 5 computers, 5 tablets and 5 laptops.
It is possible and recommended to work on the WEB version of each of the software.
The package includes - Outlook, Word, Exel, PowerPoint, Teams, OneNote and more.


Two-step verification

Portal login

Enter the link:


Enter your full Savyon address and password 


login page


(Enter the code you received on the phone (or use other method you choose in your two-step verification

two step


Press yes


Choosing an application to work on the web or to install on your computer

To work on the browser, select the application you want to work with, for installation at home, press "install office".
After installation, you will be asked to enter the full address of Savyon's account and password again at the first login and once a month.

office apps