Note – It is best to coordinate the email migration with your Computing Coordinator or support person
- These instructions apply for computers with an existing mail profile
- Sergey will start the migration with approval from Shamir
- We will set a date with the user for the completion of the migration – at the same time we will ask him to bring in additional devices that have the email defined.
- Registry File Location is P:installsourcehelpdesk365
- During the transition, we request users to process their mail using the web interface only.
The following pictures depict an existing state of the old exchange email account
After Sergey makes the migration, the user will not be able to connect to his email as shown below.
Close Outlook completely. Go to the registry file P:installsourcehelpdesk365 and double click on it. (you can also take it in the DOK of the user) – click Yes.
Reopen Outlook
A password message will popup. (it can jump several times) Enter the password and close Outlook again completely.
Reopen Outlook. Enter a password.
Enter the users full email address and password.
Uncheck Manage My Device
Click on Accept