SP Supplemental Systems



The university has several supplemental systems for the university’s core systems. The supplemental systems provide functionality that is not always available in the core systems. Many of these supplemental systems are built in SharePoint (SP) and as a result they have similar usage.


  1. Scholarship registration: http://scholarships.huji.ac.il


  2. Special program registration: http://hsr.huji.ac.il


Registration for special programs (e.g Glocal, Minerva, summer Jewish studies, orthodontics program, dentistry internships, etc). Registration for teaching certification, MA, PhD, uploading supplementary documentation for nursing BA, Revivim program. Registration for foreign students (BA, MA, PhD, and special programs)



  1. Tenure and salary for guest lecturershttp://ttp.huji.ac.il



4. Grants: http://gss.huji.ac.il



5. Thesis submission:  http://tss.huji.ac.il



6. Registration for outside service providers:  http://crs.huji.ac.il


Please note that you need to click on  התחל תהליך רישום


How to use the above systems:

1. Logging in to the system



To log in you’ll typically use your account for the public computers on campus and your Microsoft 365 account ADActive Directory) Please note you need to preface the username with cc\ according to the following example cc\username


The password is case sensitive.

You can reset your password here.

2. Application

An application can be submitted if all the requirements have been fulfilled according to the administrative instructions. The system allows changes to be made up until the deadline. Information included in the applicant’s file at the deadline will be available to read only.


  • Recommendation letters

Recommendation letters are automatically received by the system, usually within minutes of being sent, directly into the applicant’s file.

Please make sure the recommendation is sent according to the following guidelines:

  • Send to the proper email address.
  • The recommendation needs to be sent as an attachment. (text in the email will not be received by the system)
  • The file must be no more than 5 MB
  • The file name can’t contain special characters (e.g “ or ;)

You can check if the recommendation arrived under the “recommendations” page.


3. Filling out the form

Please note the following while filling out the form:

  • Please make sure you fill all the fields marked in red, otherwise you’ll be unable to save the form.
  • After you click save, it’s a good idea to scroll back up and see if any fields remain red.
  • There’s a limit of 255 characters in single row fields.
  • Dates are to be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format only.
  • After successfully saving the form, a message will appear underneath the save button noting that it saved successfully.
  • You can fill all the required fields, save, and then fill in additional fields and saving as you go and reloading the form to make sure that everything is being saved successfully. 


4. Classifying documents

If you didn’t properly classify a document while uploading it, you can return and classify it after the fact in the following way:

  • Click the icon of pen and paper (the “edit” column) next to the relevant file.
  • Select the relevant classification in the field “file content”.
  • Click “save”.


5. General Password issues

  • It’s possible that your browser has a different password saved, you can try using a different browser or delete saved passwords by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+DEL, choosing advanced, setting the time range to “All time”, and marking “Passwords and other sign in data” and clicking “Clear data”.
  • It’s best to change the password - http://ekmdpwd.ekmd.huji.ac.il
  • After changing the password, you need to close and reopen the browser.
  • If you don’t remember the password, you can reset it at the following link: http://ekmdreset.ekmd.huji.ac.il


6. Resetting passwords

Your Active Directory password can be changed or reset at the following link: pm.cc.huji.ac.il


7. Common errors

When encountering an error (something went wrong), please close the browser completely and connect to the site again. You can reset your password if needed using the links provided above.