
The Hebrew University provides its users a number of computer services.  For each group of services there is a way specific way to enter a username and password.

Common Authentication Methods Within the University:

Personnal Code - All Students and employees are issued a five digit personnal code.  This code is used to change personnel information, enter Moodle, and enter the system of course registration.

Active Directory (AD) - Used for connecting to University computers and entering staff email accounts (savion).

Remote Access -Used to connect to wireless networks within the University and the secured VPN network (samba) from home.

One Time Password Cards (OTP)- A more secure method to authenticate, which allows the user extra privleges on the different University systems.

Malam, staff salary system- Allows staff, via the internet, to view salary slips and report vacation and sick days.

New - A form for registering guests is now available for use by administrative staff.  The form is intended to streamline the guest registration process to the university computer systems, opening access to personal codes, remote access and e-mail - all according to needs and permissions.