Access to the Internet and University Computer Systems


Access to campus Internet systems and intranet systems (inter-university systems) depends on:


  • The system you are trying to connect to: There are different identification methods for different systems at the university.

  • Your status: Availablity of different applications  may depend whether you are a student, guest, researcher or on the administrative staff. 

  • Your Location: Are you on campus or off campus.

  • Your connections type: Are you using a wired or Wi-FI conection.


Wired connections

Staff and conference room computers are connected to the network using a wired connection.

Public stations in the different computing centers, computer labs and public spaces of the University are also connected via wired connections.

In addition, there are various communication ports in the campus dormitories where it is possible to connect to the internet using a communications cable and password.


Wireless connections

The University provides WI-FI throughout its campuses and dormitories for the use of students, staff and guests. Researchers, staff and students may connect to the Internet via wireless connection when visiting participating institutions, using their HUJI accounts.

Faculty and students in joint programs with leading academic institutions around the world can use the same approach as the Hebrew University (RA account) to access a wireless network in other universities around the world.



Connecting from Outside the University

VPN connections allow for the secure connection to University services according to each user's privileges. Services provided include access to Academic Journals and  databases, and remote access to desktop computers.

Our website includes detailed instructions and guides as how to obtain accounts and passwords in order to receive the desired services.